Tory Radio: What bright spark?

Sunday, July 16, 2006

What bright spark?

Having had the opportunity to live in the States as a child gave me the chance to visit various places I would never have otherwise seen.

One visit that sticks in the memory is visiting Thomas Eddison's House - the man widely acknowledged to have invented the light bulb. If memory serves me correctly the light bulbs in his house have never been replaced and are still working!

If a story in the Mail on Sunday is to believed, Government is pushing to encourage people to use energy saving bulbs (such as the one pictured here). Now surely this is to be welcomed, but then you hear how they are thinking of doing it.

They aren't trying to lowed the cost of energy saving bulbs - no - they want to tax less efficent ones.

So the Government who give people like my Nanas money in the form of her Winter fuel allowance, will now be taking it back off her by raising the price of normal bulbs. Is this really the best way to encourage us to be more energy efficient?


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